UNM People & Places
OUR C I TY WI TH I N THE C I TY. A 600-acre oasis of knowledge, technology and everything you need to thrive. Where you’ll find great halls and collaborative spaces to search for answers. Think big thoughts and create new thinking. And make the unbelievable totally doable every day. This is where you can study hard, play hard and, in the downtime, live boldly with reckless abandon. Take in world-class entertainment and dig into everything from tasty comfort cuisine to healthy gastronomic deliciousness—on and o campus—day or night. This is Lobo territory. Where smart, determined students from all over the world are free to learn, grow and experience life to the fullest. C A M P U S Look around. Our campus looks like New Mexico. It blends with the environment. It feels like New Mexico. There is no mistaking where you are when you’re here. The art we create and display. The architecture—the buildings we live in, work in and learn in. This is The University of New Mexico—The University for New Mexico. Unlike any other flagship state university anywhere, we live and breathe and embrace who we are and where we are. “ T H E B E S T T I M E T O P L A N T A T R E E W A S 2 0 Y E A R S A G O . T H E S E C O N D B E S T T I M E I S N O W . ” — Chinese Proverb 0 6 P E O P L E & P L A C E S | 0 7 OUR CAMPUS I S A CAMPUS AND AN ARBORETUM. Honey locusts. Siberian elms. Ponderosa pines. Our campus is the sprawling home of more than five thousand big (and little), beautiful, well-cared- for trees. According to the USDA, typical trees live about 40 years and have a 55 percent survival rate. The trees here, though, have a much higher life span and survival rate than normal, due in part to the stewardship of our campus arborists. OVER 5 ,000 TREES ON MAIN CAMPUS
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