UNM People & Places

L O B O S T A T E | N E W M E X I C O SOAKED I N SUN AND H I STORY, AND SURROUNDED BY STR I K I NG , UNTAMED NATURAL BEAUT Y, TH I S STATE I S MORE THAN A STATE . IT ’ S AL SO A STATE OF M I ND. EASYGO I NG AND NATURAL , YET PROUD AND DETERM I NED. RESPECTFUL AND TRAD IT I ONAL , YET FORWARD -TH I NK I NG . TH I S I S WHERE OLD AND NEW, L I GHT AND SHADOW, AND THOUSANDS OF VAR I AT I ONS OF HUNDREDS OF CULTURES COME TOGETHER . AND GET ALONG . TH I S I SN ’ T J UST A PLACE , IT ’ S A WAY TO BE . P E O P L E & P L A C E S | 0 3 0 2 NOT WHAT YOU EXPECT. UNLESS YOU EXPECT EVERYTH I NG . This is one of the country’s premier places to get moving outdoors. Active lifestyle aficionados, welcome to paradise. Want to hit the slopes? You’ll find world-class skiing and snowboarding right here in Albuquerque, and nearby in Santa Fe and Taos. Rafting and canoeing? Horseback riding? We’ve got lazy, winding and whitewater rivers, and horses. And thousands of miles of trails. And lakes. And sand dunes and forests. Everything imaginable. Even SCUBA diving in one of the most popular dive destinations in the U.S. An ancient artesian well in the desert called the Blue Hole. #NMTrue WE THINK NEW MEXICO IS A PRETTY SPECIAL PLACE. SO DOES HOLLYWOOD. FILMED IN NEW MEXICO: 3:10 to Yuma The Avengers Better Call Saul Breaking Bad Brokeback Mountain Crazy Heart Godless House of Cards Indiana Jones Iron Man 2 Little Miss Sunshine Logan Independence Day: Resurgence The Magnificent Seven Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials The Muppet Movie No Country for Old Men Preacher Rent Sicario Thor Transformers True Grit GET HERE , AND GET OUT THERE . N M F I L M . C O M N E W M E X I C O . O R G ALBUQUERQUE IS HOME TO NETFLIX’S MAIN PRODUCTION HUB BRINGING 1,000+ FILM AND TELEVISION JOBS EACH YEAR.