UNM Research Brochure
AN ECONOMI C ENG I NE Our economic impact is immense. Faculty, staff and students at The University of New Mexico conduct cutting-edge research across a spectrum of disciplines and attract a generous amount of funding each year. And, our technology-transfer and economic- development organization, STC.UNM, was created specifically to foster innovation and entrepreneurship by helping UNM researchers commercialize their inventions, which helps drive our state’s economy. Our research is a core component of New Mexico’s innovation ecosystem and high-tech industry, and creates highly qualified individuals for our workforce. All of which keep our economy firing on all cylinders. “ RE S EARCH UN I VERS I T I E S ARE B I G ECONOM I C DR I VERS FOR THE I R COMMUN I T I E S . THE L EARN I NG AND D I SCOVERY M I SS I ONS THAT ARE CENTRAL TO THE S E I NST I TUT I ONS ARE I NT ERCONNECT ED TO THE M I SS I ON TO DR I VE ECONOM I C AND SOC I AL PROS P ER I TY. UNM I S MAK I NG A LARGE ECONOM I C CONTR I BUT I ON TO OUR STAT E . ” Garnett S. Stokes, President, The University of New Mexico E C O N O M I C I M P A C T 1 4 $145M National Science Foundation $51M New Mexico Children Youth and Families Department $46M Department of Education $23M National Institutes of Health $24M Air Force Office of Scientific Research $22M Air Force Research Laboratory $17M Department of Energy $12M New Mexico Department of Transportation $12M Sandia National Laboratories TOP PATENT PRODUCER The University of New Mexico is among the Top 100 Worldwide Universities granted U.S. utility patents. In fact, we’re 32 nd . In the world. Our patented technologies are essential to the companies who want to license them and to start-up companies that need investors. All of which leads to a huge positive impact on local and global economies. START-UPS FROM UNM TECH AND SINCE 1996 U.S. PATENTS ISSUED 135 700+ No. 1 57% FEDERAL GOV. No. 2 17% STATE GOV. No. 3 9% FOUNDATION/ NON-PROFIT No. 4 7% HIGHER EDUCATION No. 5 10% FROM PRIVATE INDUSTRY, NATIONAL LABS, LOCAL GOV., FOREIGN AND OTHER 5 4 3 2 1 TOP FUND ING AGENC I ES SPONSORED RESEARCH AWARDS U N M R E S E A R C H | 1 5 (Between fiscal years 2015-2019) (Between fiscal years 2015-2019) 0 IN LABOR INCOME BY START- UPS AFF I L I ATED WI TH STC .UNM IN 2017 $28 MILLION A RECORD NUMBER IN 2017- 201 9 FOR STC .UNM TECHNOLOG I ES 185 PATENTS ISSUED TOTAL ECONOMI C OUTPUT GENERATED BY STC .UNM START- UPS IN 2017 $56.1 MILLION EMPLOYED AT START- UPS AFF I L I ATED WI TH STC .UNM IN 2017 448 NEW MEXICANS IN GRANT & CONTRACT FUND ING IN FY 201 9 $310+ MILLION
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