UNM Academics & Innovation

Just about everyone in University College is the same; they all want something dierent. Because they’re rebels? Some of them. Because they’re innovators? Others of them. Because we don’t oer exactly what they want to study? Sure, that happens, too. Point is, no matter what your degree goals are, we can accommodate you, here, in University College. This is where you can create a custom program that’s right for you. One that fits your life and your goals. This is where you dig a little deeper. Push a little harder. No question, our Honors College is for those who want to challenge themselves and others to go above and beyond. In many ways, it’s exactly what you’d expect from a top university honors program. Small classes. Dedicated faculty. And whip-smart students engaging in interdisciplinary clashes and research opportunities. The part you don’t expect? The camaraderie and collaboration. We’re a pack within the pack—pushing each other forward and searching for greatness, together. As a freshman, he knew there had to be a better way to live his best life at college. So as a sophomore, he developed one. See for yourself, “Pencil-In” is a top calendar download on the App Store. He’s always believed the best way to learn is to do, and his major gives him that chance. To be a developer, a marketer, a leader but most importantly, an entrepreneur. It also doesn’t hurt that his major lets him live, study and work from UNM’s Lobo Rainforest, the largest innovation space in ABQ. NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES I n addition to unique custom degrees, we o˜er some of the most comprehensive Native American Studies (NAS) major and minor options anywhere. Because one of our goals is to prepare the next generation of local professionals to provide administrative, legal, water-resource, planning, language, literacy and countless other kinds of support to indigenous communities in our state. BACHELOR OF INTEGRATIVE STUDIES Y ou’ve thought about it. You’d like to put a few di˜erent degree disciplines in a blender and hit “liquefy.” You want a degree that dares you to create new knowledge. To do hands-on research and work more closely with faculty and other dedicated students. Sound about right? Good. We can work with that. Let’s talk. And plan an integrative degree that works for you. E A C H Y E A R , W E H E L P H U N D R E D S O F S T U D E N T S D E S I G N H U N D R E D S O F D I F F E R E N T D E G R E E S . R H O D E S , M A R S H A L L , F U L B R I G H T , T R U M A N , G A T E S - C A M B R I D G E & G O L D W A T E R . This is home base for just about every kind of scholar there is. What kind will you be? P O I N T O F D I F F E R E N C E : Unlike at many universities, our Honors College faculty are dedicated faculty for the Honors College. AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 18 g o . u nm . e d u / u c o l l e g e g o . u nm . e d u / h o n o r s G O . U N M . E D U / N A S G O . U N M . E D U / B I S BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ARTS It happens. Sometimes no single traditional degree seems to o˜er enough exposure to the two, three or four subjects you want to study. If you have something more multidisciplinary in mind, a BLA may be just what you’re looking for. We’ll help you craft a degree theme that lets you broaden your academic scope. And prepares you for the future you had in mind for you. G O . U N M . E D U / B L A STUDENT PROF I LE K Y L E G U I N Senior, BLA Liberal Arts He sees his time spent at the Honors College as exposure. As formative moments that allowed him to mix his studies and learn things. Things like international law and human rights. Those understandings helped him give a fighting chance to refugees who had little control over their own narratives. So he trained them in film. Cutting a short documentary that premiered at a UN Film Festival and ultimately won a Social Venture Challenge award. He lets everyone share their story regardless of background or status. ALUMN I PROF I LE A N A N D M A C H E R L A Value Realization Associate, Minor: Honors Interdisciplinary Studies A C A D E M I C S & I N N O V A T I O N | 2 1 2 0