UNM Academics & Innovation

1 8 g o . u nm . e d u /n u r s i n g OF OUR ALUMNI STAY IN NEW MEXICO AFTER GRADUATION 88% BEST STATE FOR NURSES — Wallet Hub, 2019 #5 She was born in Okinawa, Japan. Raised in Greenville, South Carolina. She’s a traveler, adventurer and tireless advocate for holistic care. Her nursing career led her to the Peace Corps. And in the small, rural villages she served, she discovered midwives. Key figures who nurtured, mended and led the people of their communities. It’s this mastery of nursing that she pursues at UNM, and soon she’ll share her unique care with the world. STUDENT PROF I LE H O L L Y T H O M A S O N F R E N C H Master of Nursing, Nurse-Midwifery Concentration g o . u nm . e d u / p h a r m a c y PRESCRIBING AWARENESS AND EDUCATION. Our College of Pharmacy students reach directly into the community. The American Pharmacists Association has even praised them for their lifesaving e˜orts. Since prescription drug abuse has become an epidemic, they established Generation Rx—educating everyone from middle school students to senior citizens about safe medication use. GO.UNM.EDU/GENERATIONRX This is where we train students in the art of keeping people healthy. Instead of focusing on symptoms, we’re fighting to address the societal and environmental factors that cause health problems. Things like pollutants, poverty, diet and lifestyle. These factors and many others must be addressed by viewing issues through dierent perspectives and overhauling health ecosystems. Our advocacy work improves lives at a local and global level. Fighting for health while we’re still healthy, that’s what we do. g o . u nm . e d u / p o p h e a l t h POPULAR DEGREES: BSN | MSN | DNP | PhD We have the important job of producing the next generation of nurses. Exceptionally well-prepared professionals who are ready to take on the world. They come from everywhere, to be educated by some of the finest faculty anywhere, in some of the leading simulation labs around. They conduct major research to advance nursing and patient care. And they serve people in need throughout our unique state. The positive eects of their care can’t be calculated. Our nurses have a huge impact on the communities they serve, and these regions welcome it in a huge way. 1 O F 3 P O P U L A T I O N H E A L T H C O L L E G E S I N T H E U . S . A C A D E M I C S & I N N O V A T I O N | 1 9 CO L L E G E O F P O P U L AT I ON H E A LT H This is where you’ll learn to be a guardian of people’s health. Because as pharmacists, we provide vital screenings, deliver prescription-abuse education and optimize medication and disease management. We search for lifesaving cures and treatments down to the nuclear level. Heart disease? We’re on it. Breast, lung and prostate cancers? We’re on those, too. Just some things to think about. You know, in case you start to wonder how you can improve the health of New Mexicans, and everyone else. UNM Health Sciences PHARMACISTS PRACTICING IN NEW MEXICO GRADUATED FROM UNM 3 5 OF