UNM Academics & Innovation
A C A D E M I C S & I N N O V A T I O N | 1 5 When you think libraries, you think books, right? Good. You should. But do you also think about special collections, maps and historical archives? Every kind of media imaginable, how it’s stored, accessed, viewed and taught? We do. Because we’re determined not just to adapt, but to lead the way. And remain a powerful, e³cient source of knowledge for students and the greater community. THE THREE-MILLIONTH VOLUME IN OUR COLLECTION: A signed copy of "The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid" By: Pat Garrett | Published in Santa Fe, 1882 OUR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SYSTEM, MADE UP OF FOUR MAIN LIBRARIES, IS THE LARGEST ACADEMIC LIBRARY SYSTEM IN THE STATE. Zimmerman Library | Centennial Science & Engineering Library | Fine Arts & Design Library | Parish Memorial Library GO.U NM . E D U / L I B R A R I E S GO.U NM . E D U / L AW SOME OF THE BEST LAWYERS ANYWHERE COME FROM HERE. Our law school is excellent. Something to keep in mind when you’re ready to get a law degree in a few years. Especially if you're looking for inclusivity. prelaw Magazine ranked our program 1st in the nation for diversity. They gave our post-graduate employment rate an “A,” too. And we earned a top spot in Above the Law ’s Top 50 Law School Rankings, above Arizona State and the University of New Hampshire. 1 4 FACULTY FOCUS C L I F F V I L L A Professor of Law, School of Law He’s the guy to stand by when disaster strikes. He’s logged over 20 years with the Environmental Protection Agency, enacting federal law at an administrative, civil and criminal level. Now he trains the next generation of counsel, preparing them for crises as a professor and contributor to “Legal Planet,” one of the world’s top ranked environmental law blogs. TH I S I S WHERE YOU D I SCOVER WHAT YOU ’ RE PAS S I ONAT E ABOUT. AND BECOME PRE PARED TO DO I T. NO MAT T ER WHAT “ I T ” I S . TH I S I S THE UN I VERS I TY OF NEW MEX I CO—THE UN I VERS I TY FOR NEW MEX I CO—A P LACE BU I LT TO EMPOWER P EOP L E . I NS P I RE P EOP L E TO WORK TOGE THER , TO CREAT E NEW TH I NK I NG AND TO BECOME MORE . BY F EAR L E S S LY M I X I NG TH I NGS UP. ACROS S D I SC I P L I NE S , CULTURE S AND STUDENT- FACULTY D I V I DE S . BY T EACH I NG THOUGHT FUL , SUSTA I NAB L E DE S I GN I NG AND BU I LD I NG . DO I NG WOR LD -ALT ER I NG , OCCAS I ONAL LY I MPOS S I B L E - S E EM I NG RE S EARCH . AND PROV I D I NG YOU WI TH THE K I ND OF FOUNDAT I ONAL L EARN I NG THAT YOU CAN BU I LD A FUTURE ON . TH I S I S WHERE YOU CAN EXP LORE THOUSANDS OF PATHS TO HUNDREDS OF DEGRE E S THAT L EAD TO COUNT L E S S CARE ER POSS I B I L I T I E S . AND “ I T ”—THE PASS I ON THAT ' S J UST R I GHT FOR YOU . F I N D “ I T.”
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